Caffeine Molecule Tshirt

Related entries in Accessories, Fun with coffee

Check out this Caffeine Molecule Tshirt from Think Geek:

I'm not that much of a geek, though ;)

Via Arizona Coffee

Yahoo Personals & Starbucks

Related entries in Coffee Experiences, Fun with coffee

I stumbled across the whole promo thing for Starbucks & Yahoo Personals that I referenced before.

The campaign is very attractive. Check it out:

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Quote of the day

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"I'm merely mortal and I need a cup of coffee".

Shelley Solmes on CBC Radio 2, 10 minutes ago.

An ad goes here

Coffee for Christmas

Related entries in Fun with coffee, Recipes with Coffee

Here are some ways to bring the warmth of Christmas together with, what else, coffee:

- toss some chocolate covered coffee beans into stockings as the best morning treat

- make a coffee cake the night before to nibble on in the morning

- try some coffee pancakes - just add 1 tsp instant coffee to your flour when mixing. Not the best coffee, but the flavour is there.

- Jazz up your coffee - add peppermint or gingerbread or eggnog syrup to your drip, your americano, your mocha, your latte or your whatever

- whip up some heated eggnot and toss it into your coffee, topping off with some yummy nutmeg

- Brew some spiced coffee

Spiced Coffee Recipe (french press)

6 cloves
1 cinnamon stick
2-3 nutmeg, cut into halves

1. Add the nutmeg and cloves to your french press and brew along with your coffee

2. Pour finished brew into cups with a cinnamon stick each

And Merry Christmas!!

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Coffee Music

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Who would think there would be so many songs about coffee? Locust St. has all the coffee songs listed for your mp3 listening pleasure...

Bob Dylan, One More Cup of Coffee. Emmett Miller, You're the Cream in My Coffee. The Boswell Sisters, Coffee in the Morning and Kisses in the Night. Jaybird Coleman, Coffee Grinder Blues. Serge Gainsbourg, Couleur Cafe. J.S. Bach, "Ei, Wie Schmeckt" (from the Coffee Cantata).


Via J-Walk

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Solar Roast

Related entries in Coffee around the world, Coffee Machines, Fun with coffee

Solar Roast is a roasting company in Oregon that uses 100% organic and fair trade coffee and uses most "Earth Friendly" roasting methods. They can claim this because their roaster doesn't use any fossil fuels: it uses the sun.

Roast Master Michael Hartkop wanted to create a truly organic roasting method and with the help of his brother David they built Helios.

Helios uses a 10 foot solar collector to focus the sun's rays onto a drum roaster. This is enough to reach temperatures of 600 degrees Farenheit. The mirrors automatically track the sun, using solar power for the electronics, making roasting possible all day long. Of course, this only works on sunny days, so roasting during winter in the Pacific Northwest is a bit of a challenge.

They have a nice list of single origins and blends, but they seem to be out of stock right now. I'll give them a try in a few months, when the sun comes out again.

Die harders

Related entries in Coffee Experiences, Fun with coffee

This is us on our way to Disneyland. We drove down, all 21 hours, just the 2 of us. Coffee, of course, was needed. As well as copious amounts of any caffeinated product we could get our hands on.

So, not wanting to get coffee at some random gas station in the middle of the night, we took all our stuff with us. This is me grinding in the car. Thank goodness for free hot water at gas stations! I think the attendant was jealous ;)

More Fuel - Coffee

We even took our new snazzy coffee canister from Pottery Barn.

Halloween at Ritual Roasters

Related entries in Fun with coffee

Starbucks ZombieI saw this almost two weeks ago but I forgot to share it with you here. Scott Beale took some pictures at Ritual Roasters, a coffee shop in San Francisco, on Halloween when the employees dressed up as Zombie Starbucks baristas. You can see a few pictures in his Ritual Starbucks photo set.

Coffee Jelly Frappucino

Related entries in Coffee around the world, Fun with coffee, Other Drinks

Starbucks in the Philippines has developed a new Frappucino product featuring coffee jelly (little cubes of coffee gelatin). Kind of like a bubble tea concept.

Check out more here.

Via slashfood

Coffee for your lips

Related entries in Accessories, Fun with coffee

Not everyone drinks coffee for the caffeine - some want the taste. For those coffee lovers, here is a treat for you. Perk lip balm from Crazy Rumors :


Perk varieties available in Amaretto, French Vanilla, Mocha, Hazelnut, Coffee Beans, and Irish Cream.

Our irresistible Lip Lattes™ are sure to awaken your senses. We’ve combined some of the most enticing aromas with nature’s finest ingredients, which will leave your lips super soft, protected and feeling splendid. Made with Vitamins A & E, Shea Butter and Natural Coffee Flavors, they’re sure to please the inner coffee lover in you.

Tea flavours also available.

Via SheFinds

Reheated Coffee

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A tip from Bloggle: The Coffee Odyssey: "Never — ever — reheat your coffee!"


Starbucks' Naughty Siren

Related entries in Fun with coffee

Ever wondered what is the origin of the Starbucks logo? To be honest, the question never crossed my mind, but now you can read all about it in Deadprogrammer's Cafe. There is a good reason why it has two tails...

Cafe Geek review contest

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CafeGeek is having a contest where you can win 1 of 20 really cool limited edition CafeGeek t-shirts. And it's easy, all you have to do is go to the site and write a review of your favourite cafe. The first 20 people who do this get one of the t-shirts.

Roadside Coffeepot comes to Canada

Related entries in Coffee around the world, Coffee news, Fun with coffee

It's nice to see Canada jumping onto the odd roadside coffee attractions. A while ago I posted about some giant teacups and coffee pots you can see around the USA - now Canada has one. And, not just any one. The largest one.

This one is supposedly the world's largest coffee pot. It's located in Davidson, Saskatchewan, measures 24 feet (7.3 meters) tall, is made of sheet metal, and could hold 150,000 8-ounce cups of coffee, according to the trivia list. Morning Coffee & Afternoon Tea

Now, why can't we have nice looking coffee pots and cups? What about a nice French Press with some great little stainless steel travel mug? Come on, people!

coffee Two Audiobooks for FREE from Audible

From Morning Coffee & Afternoon Tea

Salt Spring Coffee and kids...gotta have the hot chocolate

Related entries in Coffee Experiences, Fun with coffee, Other Drinks
Here on Salt Spring we love our kids.  Not just our own kids, but everybody's kids.   If a child falls in the park, several grownups will come to his/her aid...not just the parents.  So is it any wonder that our stores and business have, in general, a very kid-friendly atmosphere?
Salt Spring Coffee (aka Roasters which is how I refer to it) is absolutely no different.  I've lived on Salt Spring for almost 5 and a half years now, and Roasters has always had a little kids table with books and toys--thus letting the parents enjoy their coffee and sweets in, relative, peace.  Then there are the kid drinks.  All the kid drinks are $2.  That's it, $2.  The best one by far is the hot chocolate.  This isn't like the powdered stuff from the can, or even Hershey's syrup, it's really good, creamy, chocolatety hot chocolate.  The picture at the left says a lot, but doesn't tell the whole story by far.
First, there is a high stool where the baristas are so the kids can watch their cocoa being made.  Then it's topped with chocolate whipped cream,--real whipped cream--rainbow sprinkles, and best of all a gummi worm.
My son was offered the chance to put his gummi worm on his cocoa himself, but he ate it.  So the barista put another on top.  That's cool.  This still isn't the best part.  The best part is that the cocoa is served at kid drinkable temperature.  My kids--ages 3 and 7 and a half--could start sipping right away.  No burned tongues, lips, or mouths.  I mentioned this to Mickey McLeod this morning while getting the second tour of the roasting facility.  He said, "Well, we have a daughter..."  Exactly.  Parents neither want to see their kids getting scalded, nor is it fun having to say, no wait you can't drink that yet.
So the next time you're visiting Salt Spring Island, swing down McPhillips Ave and stop into Roasters for a cup--I'm now getting addicted to the Canadiano myself--and yes, grownups can get the cocoa too even with the gummi worm.
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Tris Hussey is a professional blogger, the Chief Blogging Officer for Qumana Software, and Managing Director of Qumana Services.  He can be reached at tris AT qumana DOT com or tris AT trishussey DOT com.
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